

Module Checklist


I have satisfied the following criteria and will submit evidence in the requested fields when applying for the Technologist badge. Your profile page in the Activity Bank provides links to most of the responses you have submitted.

Criteria and Evidence Required for Badge Assessment – I have:

Designed and developed an empathy map.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Empathy Map activity.

Identified a learner challenge.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Learner Challenge activity.

Used the SECTIONS model to evaluate a tool.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool activity.

Identified and explained the technology I selected.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Learner Challenge Take Two activity.

Created and shared my technology-enabled learning activity prototype planning.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Prototype Planning activity.

Created and shared my technology enabled activity or resource.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the It’s Alive! activity.

Reflected on the module experience.

Evidence: Enter your reflection statement into the space provided on the badge submission page.
