

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

To learn more about SoTL, watch: The Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Center for Engaged Learning  (CELatElon), September 2013).

This video features several educators defining SoTL in the context of their own professional practice.

Everybody involved in teaching has questions about the success of their practice. We deal with some of the questions informally all the time. In other cases, we seek to formalize our enquiry by doing research, and that is what SoTL is about. The purpose of SoTL is to improve learning by implementing optimized teaching practices based on research and evidence to support changes in practice.

Brock University has also recently created a series of engaging animated YouTube SoTL videos found here in this Extend Playlist. Each video is short – typically around 2 minutes in length.

Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Source: Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University and the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). This video was produced for ISSOTL Online 2013.

Extend Community


Visit the Extend Community Space SoTL Short Video discussion area (in the #scholar channel) to identify which Brock University SoTL video resonated with you the most and why. Would you recommend it to a colleague?

Extend Activity

Arrow extending from page

The educators in the videos express multiple experiences about SoTL. Think about which of the experiences are similar to your own.

  • From this video, identify three key characteristics of SoTL that resonate with your professional experience and practice.
  • Open our editable Keys of SoTL Google Doc and add your name and three keys to the bottom of the document.
  • Compare your SoTL keys to ones listed by your colleagues.

Take a screenshot of your contribution to share as an uploaded evidence for your response to the Three Keys of SoTL activity. Copy your keys as well in your response and include any additional ideas you gain from the ones that your colleagues identified. Use the Google Docs feature to add a comment to other responses that strongly align with yours.

As evidence of completion, please plan to enter the web address for your response in the Scholar badge submission form.

Value of SoTL