

Module Checklist


I have satisfied the following criteria and will submit evidence in the requested fields when applying for the Curator badge. Your profile page in the Activity Bank provides links to all the responses you have submitted.


Criteria and Evidence Required for Badge Assessment – I have:

Located and shared an openly licensed image and provided an explanation for how it was discovered.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Consider This activity.

Explored repositories to curate content and curated three (or more) OER to support learners’ understanding of an element or concept for a course.

Evidence:  Enter the web address for your response to the Find Your Fit activity.

Demonstrated my newly minted OER curation skills.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Curation Creation activity.

Used the CRAAP test to evaluate curated OER and reflected on how to use OER in discipline specific ways.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Holy CRAAP! activity.

Reflected on the module experience.

Evidence: Enter your reflection statement into the space provided on the badge submission page.

Assessing OER