

Module Checklist


I have satisfied the following criteria and will submit evidence in the requested fields when applying for the Collaborator badge. Your profile page in the Activity Bank provides links to all the responses you have submitted.


Criteria and Evidence Required for Badge Assessment – I have:

Created a Twitter account and explored how to extend my Personal Learning Network (PLN) by engaging with others.

Evidence: Enter the web address to your tweet regarding using Twitter effectively in education.

Created and shared the collaboration attributes of one recent project, represented as an image of a collaborative dining table.

Evidence:  Enter the web address to your tweet for your response to the Collaborative Dining Table activity.

Thoughtfully expressed why it would be important to nurture my PLN and identified specific activities I could engage in to cultivate and expand my PLN.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Cultivate Your PLN activity.

Mapped my PLN as a diagram.

Evidence:  Enter the web address for your response to the Mapping Your PLN activity.

Reflected on the module experience.

Evidence: Enter your reflection statement into the space provided on the badge submission page.