

Scholarly Teaching

The Scholarly Teacher applies evidence-based practice to enrich student learning. (

When teaching and learning are grounded in the scholarship of  teaching  and learning  we treat our classrooms and programs as a source  of interesting questions about  learning;  find ways  to explore  and shed light on these  questions; use this evidence  to  design and refine new activities,  assignments, and  assessments; and  share  what  we have  found  with colleagues  who can comment, critique,  and build on new insights  (Huber and Hutchings, 2005). 

Scholarly teaching is, at its core, an approach to teaching that is informed by inquiry and evidence (both one’s own, and that of others) about student learning. It focuses on examining the ways in which we construct the learning environments that we offer students, the attention we pay to students and their learning. In the book, Making Teaching and Learning Visible (Bernstein, Burnett, Goodburn and Savory, 2006), the authors make the point that, “An excellent teacher is one who is engaged in a well-prepared and intentional ongoing investigation of the best ways to promote a deep understanding on the part of as many students as possible.” (2006, p. 215)

And, that, is what Scholarly Teaching is all about.  It is about seeking evidence that what we are doing is getting at the heart of learning and it is about sharing what we know and the evidence that we have with our colleagues.

What is SoTL