

Module Checklist


I have satisfied the following criteria and will submit evidence in the requested fields when applying for the Teacher for Learning badge. Your profile page in the Activity Bank provides links to all the responses you have submitted.


Criteria and Evidence Required for Badge Assessment – I have:

Identified three key characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) that professionally resonate with me.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Three Keys of SoTL activity.

Determined motivational reasons for becoming engaged in SoTL activities

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Engage with SoTL activity.

Further refined my SoTL plan.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Refine Your SoTL Plan activity.

Designed a SoTL plan for one of my courses.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Design Your SoTL Project activity.

Determined a SoTL research plan dissemination strategy.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Reflecting for Disseminating Your SoTL Project activity.

Shared my SoTL research plan.

Evidence: Enter the web address for your response to the Share Your SoTL Research Plan activity.

Reflected on the module experience.

Evidence: Enter your reflection statement into the space provided on the badge submission page.
